How Does Setting Goals Help Organize Your Thoughts?
Why set goals?
Setting goals helps us organizeWhen we set goals, We begin to see that we do have the ability to do the things we need to do....we are able to track our accomplishments and reward ourselves for those accomplishments.
It gives us self esteem
and raises our awareness
on where we want to go and exactly how we are going to get there. The first thing we have to do is start changing
the way we think and speak so we can change our belief system or story that we tell ourselves. explains affirmations as “a statement said with confidence about a perceived truth”. Affirmations help thousands of people make changes in their lives. Why can one person be successful with affirmations and for another it doesn't work?
It all comes down to believing that it can happen. When we consistently tell ourselves “I can't do that” or “I don't have enough money to buy that” we are using negative affirmations.
When we think or do something over and over, it becomes a habit
Think of neural pathways in our brain like roads. When we create a habit, a new road is built that leads to our brain.
Just like a road will always lead you to the same place when we drive on it, so will the neural pathways in our brain when we think something. It will always lead us to the same story that we told ourselves in the past.
Watch this video for more about setting goals and changing your life for the better!
Sometimes the negative beliefs we have are deeply rooted into our subconscious mind so we have to work really hard at pulling those weeds from our garden and replacing them with brand new seed. So what we must do is put road blocks up on the old ones and build new roads. This is where affirmations come in.
Affirmations help re-train the brain
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