Crystal Meaing of Flourite aka Flourspar Gemstone Crystal Meaning and Metaphysical Properties

Flourite aka Flourspar Gemstone Crystal Meaning 

and Metaphysical Properties



fluorite is highly protected, especially on a psychic level. It helps you to discern when outside influences are at work within yourself and shut off mental influence. This stone cleanses and stabilizes the aura. It is extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress.

Appropriately positioned, it blocks geographic stress. Using healing, fluorite drawls off negative energies and stress of all kinds. It cleanses, purifies, dispels, and reorganizes anything within the body that is not a perfect order. This is the best crystal to use to overcome any form of disorganization.
Flourite - fluorspar Crystal Gemstone -Beautiful Stone! Unique and Colorful on dk gray suede cord-decision making, increase focus
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Fluorite grounds and integrates spiritual energies. It promotes unbiased impartiality and heightens intuitive powers, makes you more aware of higher spiritual realities and can speed up a spiritual awakening; and focuses the mind and links it into the universal mind.

Fluorite bring stability to groups, linking them into a common purpose. Fluorite is associated with progress on many levels, incorporating structure into daily life. This stone come overcome chaos and reorganize the physical, emotional, and mental bodies.

Psychologically, fluorite dissolves fixed patterns of behavior and gently opens the doors choose the subconscious, bringing suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution. It increases self-confidence and dexterity.

Fluorite improves physical and mental coordination and counteracts mental disorders. Dissolving fixed ideas, it helps to move beyond narrow mindedness to the bigger picture. This stone dissolves illusions and reveals truth. It is very helpful when you need to act impartially and objectively.

Fluorite is an excellent learning aid – it organizes and processes information, linking what is already known into what is being learned, and increases concentration. It helps you to absorb new information and promotes quick thinking.

Flourite - fluorspar Crystal Gemstone -Beautiful Stone! Unique and Colorful on dk green suede cord-decision making, increase focus
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Emotionally, fluorite has a stabilizing effect. It helps you to understand the effect of the mind and emotions on the body. In relationships, it teaches the importance of balance. Physically, fluorite assists balance and coordination.


fluorite is a powerful healing tool, dealing with infections and disorders. It benefits teeth, cells, and bones and repairs DNA damage. It is powerful against viruses, especially as an elixir. Fluorite regenerates the skin and mucous membranes, particularly in the respiratory tract, and heals ulcers and wounds. It's beneficial for colds, flu, and sinusitis.

Dissolving adhesion and mobilizing joints, fluorite alleviate arthritis, rheumatism, and spinal injuries. Stroked across the body toward the heart, fluorite provides pain relief. It ameliorates the discomfort of shingles and other nerve related pain, and heals the skin, removing blemishes and wrinkles. It can be used during dental work. Fluorite also rekindles sexual libido.

Position to wear flourite

Wear at ear lobes or place it in your environment. Position as appropriate for healing. Fluorite draws off negative energy and stress and needs cleansing after each application. Place on computer or between yourself and the source of electromagnetic smog. Spray the gem essence into the environment.
Palm stones are useful soothers.

Flourite - fluorspar Crystal Gemstone -Beautiful Stone! Unique and Colorful on dk green suede cord-decision making, increase focus

Specific colors

in addition to the generic attributes, the following colors have additional properties:

Blue fluorite

enhances creative, orderly thought and clear communication. A dual action stone, it calms or revitalizes energy as needed for the physical or the bio-magnetic bodies. Blue fluorite is effective for eyes, nose, ear, and throat problems. It amplifies your healing potential by tightly focusing brain activity, and can invoke spiritual awakening.

Clear fluorite 

stimulates the crown chakra, energizes the aura, and harmonizes the intellect with the spirit. It aligns all the chakras, bringing universal energy into the physical body. This stone can clear up obscured vision.

Green fluorite 

grounds excess energy, dissipating emotional trauma, and clears infections. It is particularly effective at absorbing negative energies within the environment. It brings information up from the subconscious mind and accesses intuition. It is an effective aura, chakra, and mental cleanser, dissipating obsolete conditioning. It really stomach disorders and cramps in the intestines.

Violet and purple fluorite

 stimulates the third eye and imparts common sense to psychic communication. It is an excellent meditation stone. Is useful in the treatment of bones and bone marrow disorders.

Yellow fluorite

  enhances creativity and stabilizes group energy. It is particularly helpful for cooperative endeavors. It supports intellectual activities. At a physical level, it releases toxins. It treats cholesterol and aids the liver.

Yttrian fluorite

  takes a slightly different form from other fluorite and does not correct disorganization. It is, nevertheless, an effective healer of other conditions associated with fluorite. This is a service oriented stone. It attracts wealth and abundance, teaching the principles of manifestation. It heightens mental activity. 

What is your favorite crystal and why? Post it in the comments. I love to hear how crystals help people!

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