Herbal Remedies: The Benefits of Beer and Hops


you may have heard about the benefits of washing your hair with beer, but beer has been used medicinally a number of ways. Over the centuries – for insomnia, for instance, for skin and urinary problems. Beer owes any healing power it may have to hops, the herb used with water, malted grains and yeast to make beer.

The fruits of the hop plant, or hops, give beer it's particular bitter flavor and also function as a preservative. A relative of marijuana, hops are mainly known as a sedative: hops pillows were believed to cure sleeplessness. Today, hops are still considered beneficial for sleep disturbances and anxiety.

Hops calming effects extend to digestive discomforts related to stress, since the herb eases smooth muscle spasms that cause cramps, indigestion, and gas. Cops also spur and fortify all digestive activity and may be used for Crohn's disease and ease bleeding from ulcers. Recent studies suggest that beer and hops may even help combat cancer.


Hops are used primarily as a sedative; beer in moderation has a similar effect. Besides this, nervous system, action, hops to stimulate digestion and relieve digestive problems. These include cramps and other stress linked symptoms as well as disorders with leading and spasmodic pain, such as ulcers. Hops may also boost estrogen levels to help ease menopausal symptoms and induce.. In addition, hops and beer made together, having anticancer role. Beer may also help blemishes.


Beer contains the minerals sodium, potassium and calcium; barley malts, and unrefined sugar that is also rich in minerals as well as complex carbohydrates; and, of course, quite a number of calories. The bitter constituents of the hop plant,Latin: Humulus lupulus derived from its scaly haired, cone–like fruits, lend beer it's taste.
They also give the herb it's sedative, digestive and antiseptic properties. A Volatile oil in hops contribute to the sedative effects; so may a volatile alcohol, methyl butanol. In addition, hops contain astringent tannins that help the digestive-tract bleeding. However, brewing beer greatly reduces these active components.


Beer's sedative effects are the result of both the hops it contains and its alcohol content. (Note: However, that getti8ng too much alcohol disturbs sleep). It is not yet fully clear how hops sedative effects work. They may inhibit some type of neurotransmitters that work within the parasympathetic nervous system, affecting the heart rate and breathing.
A hop pillow may work because the warmth of the head will cause a slow release of the volatile compounds in hops, which the nose ends up taking in through out the night. The relaxing effects of hops may also be helpful in dealing with panic, obsessive- compulsive behavior and hysteria.


Beer Rinse for the Hair
Warm 1 cup of flat beer, and beat in 1 egg yolk. Work the mixture through damp hair; rinse completely. This gives fine, limp hair some body and shine.

Beer for the Complexion
Because hops activate a sluggish liver, they also help remove impurities from the blood. This may be why beer is thought to clear the skin. Drinking a glass of beer before eating dinner may spur this effect.
To help reduce blemishes, dryness and flaking, try dabbing your face with 1/2 cup of beer mixed with warm water, or spread on 3-4 TBSP of beer foam and let it soak in.

Hops and Estrogen

Hops may contain phytoestrogens, estrogen-like compounds that help make the body respond more efficiently and rapidly to its own estrogen. There is, as yet, no scientific consensus on this, only historical evidence of hops hormonal effects: In Pre-Industrial Revolution Times, many girls who picked hops by hand began their menstrual periods early, and many male hops pickers developed female traits, such as higher voice pitch and breasts, and lowered libidos. Indeed hops, have been used to deal with excessive sexual problems; they once used hops to treat gonorrhea. Hops may also benefit conditions linked to lower estrogen, such as infertility and early menopause.

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