How to use Magickal Herbs in Potpourri

Aromatic mixture of herbs have been created in many lands throughout recorded history. Fragrant flowers, simple herbs, and where spices were mixed and used for purposes boat magical and medicinal.

Mixtures that could be considered to be the forerunner of the parade were made in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, but it wasn't until the Renaissance at the art of reading what we know it will probably reach its zenith.

Potpourri and other fragrant mixtures were rarely made for medical purposes, or the magic of herbs have been largely forgotten.
magickal potpourri ingredients

During these times, bathing was out of vogue and sewers were unknown. Windows were a few and allowed little air to circulate in the house. Under these conditions, it isn't surprising that fragrant herbs were called upon to play in everyday life with their delightful scents.

The poor and the rich alike devised several ingenious methods to use fragrant flowers and herbs to your themselves and their problems. Those with money and are greater options, with traders would bring rare and costly spices from overseas. Soon scent rings, pomanders, tussymussies and sachets were made and carried to sweeten the air.
Incense was burned. Sweet herbs were strewn onto rugs to release their fragrances when stepped upon, and sachets were tied onto chairs, couches and beds.

Potpourri was also used to clear the air. There were mixtures of either fresh or dried herbs, flower and spices that were kept in fast-lidded jars. To release the potpourri's fragrance, the box or jar was opened, allowing the aroma to mask baleful odors, making the home a much more pleasant place to live.

magickal potpourri ingredients

Some of these herbs were also thought to contain healthful qualities, and so were used to prevent the spread of disease, but the Witchcraft and heresy trials had done much to make the population forget the magical qualities of herbs. With that said, potpourri was viewed as either a pleasantly scented mixture or as a weapon in the arsenal against disease—not as tools of magic.

Today, our knowledge of the subtle powers of plants allows us to create potpourris designed to product specific magical results. As usual, visualization is a vital part of this process. The power of potpourri rides on its scent.


Many flowers and herbs can be found in gardens or in wild places. For those not immediately available, you can visit my Herb Shop at for Potpourri Ingredients, dried herbs or for ready made magickal potpourri blends.

Potpourri is usually stored in a jar or a box. The lid is lifted to release the scent. Any type pf jar or box with a tight fitting lid is suitable. Again, you can find jars of potpourri at my Herb Shop at

potpourri ingredients

A potpourri's power is release within its scent. Thus, smelling a potpourri is actually an act of magic, for we're moving the energy contained within the mixture into ourselves. We release the potpourri's fragrance only when we need its energies.

If you've place the potpourri into a closed box or jar, breathe deeply for a few moments. Visualize your need. Open the box or jar. Inhale...breathe deeply and feel the energy flowing into your body. Repeat as many times a day as you see fit.

potpourri ingredients

If you have placed the potpourri in an open container, run your fingers through the mixture at least once a day breathing in the scent several times a day.

Yes, this is a suitable form of magic. The effects of potpourri will be subtle, but they will occur if you have correctly mixed and used them. Open yourself to change... and change will manifest!

potpourri ingredients


Money Potpourri

Protection Potpourri

Love Potpourri

Psychic Potpourri

Healing Potpourri

Courage Potpourri

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