How Lemon Can Help Your Health

How Lemon Can Help Your Health

Image result for lemon The Therapeutic Effects of Lemon
 The lemon tree, one of the oldest cultivated fruit plants, originated in India. Today, lemons grow in subtropical climates all over the world, especially in Florida and the Mediterranean. Though the fruit and its Jews have a sour, S Citic taste, lemon actually functions as a buffer in the body and can reduce hyper acidity in the stomach. 

Lemon juice and peel have an anti-septic affect, and the leaves of the tree are used to reduce fever.

In addition, lemons are rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and’s, acting as an antioxidant, protects cells from free radical damage. The juice of one lemon supplies 33% of your daily vitamin C needs, and 1 tablespoon of lemon peel provides 13%. This is more than satisfies your daily vitamin C requirement.

Choose organic lemons, especially if you plan to use the peel. They should be firm and bright, with a fine grained skin. A very coarse exterior may indicate a thick skin, which may mean less juicy flesh; large lemons are usually thick skins. A lemon that feels heavy for its size should be quite juicy.

Therapeutic effect: used internally, lemon has an anti-inflammatory action. It also helps cleanse the body by promoting perspiration and acting as a diuretic. At the same time, lemon stimulates the appetite, aids digestion, strengthens the body’s defenses, relieves cramps and generally refreshes.

Used externally, lemon dilates blood vessels in the skin.

in addition to its vitamin C content, lemon contains pectin and the essential oil constitutes limonene, alpah terpinene, alpha pinene, beta pinene, and bioflavanoids, which help strengthen the capillary walls.

The essential oils obtained from lemon peel stimulate the flow of lymph fluids.

Vitamin C boost
to increase your vitamin C intake, E a lemon every day. And only a few minutes, the vitamin is carried throughout your body. Afterwards, you may sense an increase in your performance capabilities and feel more relaxed.

Iron and calcium absorption
lemon stimulates the production of enzymes and digestive juices in the mucous membrane of the stomach, and enhancing the absorption of iron and calcium from foods and supplements.

Emergency disinfectant
lemon juice can disinfect minor wounds or lesions in the mouth and throat, such as canker sores. Apply diluted juice to the affected areas, or gargle with it several times a day.

Sore throat and hoarseness
squeeze one lemon and dilute the juice with 1 cup of hot water. Gargle three times a day with the diluted juice.

Extra tip
to stop a nosebleed, dribble a small amount of diluted lemon juice (equal parts water and lemon juice) on a cotton ball and Davitt repeatedly onto the nasal mucous membrane. The lemons astringent effect draws the body tissues together.

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