What is the Difference Between Angels, Archangels and Spirit Guides?

Angels are lighted beings that respond to our request for support, protection, comfort and assistance in our physical life. The Angels are here to help us, especially when our intention is to help others and bring joy and healing to the world.
Ask for as many Angels as you want to surround you. Ask for Angels to surround your loved ones, your home, and your business. Angels receive great joy at helping us, and they ask only that we occasionally remember to gratefully say “thank you for their help.

For example, Michael is known as the protector Angel or the police officer and Raphael is known as the healing Angel. You will learn the different specialties of the Archangels in a future chapter. Archangels are the Angels who supervised the Guardian Angels and Angels upon the earth. You might think of Archangels as the “managers” among the earthly Angels hierarchy.
You can call upon an Archangel whenever you need powerful and immediate assistance. Archangels are able to help many people in different geographical locations at once. So, never worry about calling upon an Angel because you fear that your need is not “big enough” or that the Angel might be busy. Your call for help is sweet music to an Angel’s ears. For example, Archangel Michael is known to be a technology guru. I call upon Archangel Michael when ever I have a problem with any of my electronics including computer issues. Archangel Michael has come to my rescue millions of times when my computer was freezing, moving slow or having issues.
The Angels also warned me to back up my files onto an external hard drive. Thank God I listened. A week or two later, my computer crashed and I had to have it formatted. If I did not follow the intuitive angelic guidance that I had received, then I would have lost all of my images, work documents, personal documents and more. Another example is when I or someone else is not feeling well. I’ll
never forget when my son, who resides in California now, was so sick with the flu. He had just moved out there and I felt so bad that I could not help him. I spoke with him on the phone briefly and he was extremely sick with nausea and vomiting. After we hung up I called upon Archangel Raphael to go to my son and heal him, taking away the harsh symptoms he was experiencing.
never forget when my son, who resides in California now, was so sick with the flu. He had just moved out there and I felt so bad that I could not help him. I spoke with him on the phone briefly and he was extremely sick with nausea and vomiting. After we hung up I called upon Archangel Raphael to go to my son and heal him, taking away the harsh symptoms he was experiencing.
Just one hour later, my son calls me and tells me his symptoms have subsided and he was able to eat soup and keep it down without vomiting. I thanked Archangel Raphael and the Angels for going to my son and helping
him since I could not be there myself. Angels guide us and help us in any way possible, we only must release our human free will, which is our need to control our life and invite the Angels in to take us to our true purpose in life.
him since I could not be there myself. Angels guide us and help us in any way possible, we only must release our human free will, which is our need to control our life and invite the Angels in to take us to our true purpose in life.

A Spirit guide could be someone we know. Whether from this life or a past life, we have crossed paths with our spirit guide somewhere, somehow, and in someway, Many spirit guides are deceased loved ones from this life that have crossed over before we were born or a loved one from our past life. This does not mean that our loved ones from this life do not watch over us, because they do.
It is just that our spirit guides are with us from the day we were born so it can not be someone who we actually met in this life. Again this does not mean that our crossed over loved ones are not watching over us and joining hands with our spirit guides and angels helping us from the other side. Spirit Guides can not interfere with our human free will nor make decisions for us. They must allow us to learn our own lessons as they have in their own lives. Spirit Guides are there to guide us and give us advice and comfort in our times of need. They can also warn us of impending danger and also protect us if it is not our time to cross over and we have not completed our mission here on earth. This is the only exception where they can interfere with our human free will.
Guardian Angels are sometimes confused with our spirit guides. Doreen Virtue quotes:
“Your Guardian Angel is the Angel who constantly stays with you, from birth until your transition back to heaven.
This Angels love for you is unconditional and bigger than anything on this earth. Your Guardian Angel makes certain you are safe and guided always.”
This Angels love for you is unconditional and bigger than anything on this earth. Your Guardian Angel makes certain you are safe and guided always.”
Doreen Virtue
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