How to receive messages from Angels

Angels are described as beings filled with light and love. They protect and guide us in our times of need and would never tell anyone to hurt another person or hurt themselves. They are non-judgmental beings that lift people up to their highest potential in life. Most Angels gave up their free will to align themselves with their Creator. But a few Angels did the opposite – these Angels are called “Fallen Angels” or “The Watchers”. The Angels gave up their free will to protect humanity from the fallen Angels and follow the orders of The Creator.

Angels respond to prayers directly from our hearts. You can call on Angels by speaking, thinking, writing or visualizing. People that continuously communicate with Angels seem to have a greater sense of overall well being.
 To describe how the Angels connect us to the energies of the creator I am going to use the metaphor of the World Wide Web and a computer. We are the computer, the angels are the “world wide web” and the wires or the wireless signals are the energy. To connect to the World Wide Web (the angels) from our computers (humanity), we must have an internet connection which includes some type of signal, cable or telephone wire (energy). This means an open line that is connecting us to the World Wide Web. Now think about if that wire had a clamp in the middle of it. If the wire was clamped or not plugged into our computers, the signal would stop flowing to our computers from the World Wide Web. 

So what would we do? We would remove the clamp and plug it back in, right? Well we must do the same with our own energy. We must, if any, remove the clamps or “blocks” within our energy field (chakras) from any of what I call “smegma” or residue that is lying within our “wires” and is blocking the energy that connects us with our angels. 
 Recite this prayer daily  to help remove any energetic blocks or"smegma" from your wires :)
Prayer to remove energetic blocks
I remove the blocks that stands between, and lift the veil’s to the divine unseen.
I’ll take the walk, my Slate be cleaned, now let’s move forward to fill ____________(name your creator) dreams.” written by Lisa Muria & MARG
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