
Showing posts from February, 2018

11 Ways to use Eucalyptus Essential Oil

About Eucalyptus Essential Oil Summer is finished for the year and Fall is here. As the seasons change, so does our body and our immune system. When you or a loved one start to show signs of those "Changing Season Allergies" or comes down with the Winter Flu, Eucalyptus is a great essential oil to have in your Natural Remedy First Aid Box! Eucalyptus Essential Oil is an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating, and other medicinal qualities. But Eucalyptus Oil does not only help with allergies, colds and the flu! Let me tell you more about this wonderful and popular essential oil!  Read More and Learn More! Suffering from Allergies or Influenza? Respiratory problems:  Eucalyptus essential oil is effective for treating a number of respiratory problems including cold, cough, runny nose, sore throat, asthma, nasal congestion, bronchitis and sinusitis. Eucalyptus oil is antibacterial, anti

Video DIY oil recipes for Love Spells, Metaphysical Supplies Store

Check out my newest video just loaded on #YOUTUBE!! #DIYoilsforlovespells #Oilrecipesforlove #metaphysicalsupplystore  #witchcraftspelloils Love Oil Blends in celebration of Valentine's Day in February 2018! Learn how you can make your own Love Blended Ritual Oils to attract Love to your life, whether it be self love, relationships, family or friendship! Watch it Now! Don't Forget to SUBSCRIBE-SHARE-LIKE! Join me in the Metaphysical Movement and Subscribe to Strega Luna at!