What do Angels Look Like? Who are Angels?

ABOUT ANGELS Angel is derived from the Greek word “angelos” or Latin word “angelus” which means messenger. The matching Hebrew word “ mal'ak” has the same meaning. Angels are defined as supernatural or spirit beings that act as mediators between heaven and earth. Angels are The Creator's Messengers; they carry our prayers to and from The Creator as well as guide us throughout our lives. Angels are divided into choirs which gives them rankings. The division into Choirs does not mean that they are rated as being better angels than the other, it only states what responsibilities they carry. We will talk about The Choirs of Angels in a later lecture. Angels protect and guide us in our times of need. They hold pure and positive intentions and would never hurt a human being nor tell them to hurt themselves or another person. WHAT DO ANGELS LOOK LIKE? This is a good question for there is many different outlooks on what angels look like. In The Bible, it describes angels as havin...