
Showing posts from October, 2018

16 Ways that Angels Send Us Signs and Messages

Angels can be perceived in many different ways. They are mostly reports as being seen as a physical manifestation of a winged being.  Angels are androgynous and can take form by manifesting as a male or a female.   Rather Watch The Video? Click Here ​ ​ S M L Two examples of physical manifestations of winged angels are from the Bible such as when an Angel appeared to the shepherds in the fields in Bethlehem announcing the birth of Jesus. An Angel came to The Virgin Mary and spoke to her explaining her immaculate conception. Angels can also manifest in the form of humans. An example of this was in The Bible-Genesis 18; Abraham was visited by three travelers that were actually Angels of the Lord. Angels also show themselves in the form of white or colored flashes of light. "You DO NOT need to be psychic to connect with your Angels, you only need to have an open mind and release your free will while inviting and allowing them into your life." ​ ​ S ...